My Approach

My approach is rooted in ontology, the study of being.

Ontology looks at what it is to be human: The values we live by, the heroic journey we are each here to take; and, ultimately, the contribution we want to be known for. I believe…

✨ Each of us is a hero. We are here to embark on a "hero's journey" in which we fulfill a calling, triumph over obstacles, and contribute to our community. A coach’s role is to remind us of this larger context — especially when we’re in the “daily grind” of things

🌻 Each of us is here to contribute. We all want to know our life makes a difference — that we are a part of creating a more just, loving, and liberated world. A coach’s role is to offer tools, skills, and support to overcome the obstacles we face along the way.

🧙 Each of us has a voice of wisdom. We all possess an innate wellspring of creativity, the power to envision new possibilities, and the courage to act on them. A coach’s role is to help us clear away the “mental muck” so that we can tap into that voice of wisdom more easily.

🌍 Each of us is part of a greater whole. We are here to discover and express our unique calling as part of something bigger than ourselves -- to know the joy of contributing meaningfully to the world we love. A coach’s role is to help us hold that “wider view” of our lives and to hold nothing back from contributing the ideas and dreams that are meaningful to us.

My approach centers…

Timeless Principles

My coaching is grounded in principles found across spiritual and secular traditions, from wisdom teachings to neuroscience.


Practical Tools

My coaching gives you simple yet powerful tools for living your values, realizing your vision, and empowering others.


Authentic Action

My coaching teaches you how to turn insight about what’s most meaningful to you into action, so you create lasting shifts in the way you see and do things — long after the high of an “aha” moment wears off.

Compassionate Support

My coaching honors each person's unique experience, identity, and context, while also acknowledging the universal human experience we all share, in all its messiness, joy, and heartbreak.


What is coaching?


Clarity Session